

I joined the Etc. team in 2022 to lead on design. My role spread across design, strategy, research and testing. The aim of the team was to validate concepts by creating prototypes through a very lean process.

evve charge is an app that helps EV owners find chargers across the UK, compare prices, and by syncing their EV they can get tailored infos for their needs.


Figma, Jira, UserTesting


iOS, Android


2022 - 2024


On July 2023 BT Group announced that its start-up and Digital incubation team Etc. will, over the next two years, conduct technical and commercial pilots to convert or upgrade its street cabinets for electric vehicle charging units. The pilots will provide critical insight into the viability to scale EV charging to more locations across its estate. The app is currently in closed pilot and the first location will be in East Lothian, with further pilots to roll out across the UK in the coming months.


  • 🏆 Receive CES Innovation Honouree Award
  • 👨🏻‍🔬 Conduct over 45+ user labs, 5+ surveys across 2000+ people.
  • ⚡️ Accelerate the UKs Road to Net Zero by removing barriers.
  • 🔋 Deploy the first end to end charge point connected to BT cabinets into the ground.
  • 🔌 Setting up evve charge testbed.
  • 📰 Coverage in Financial Times, Telegraph, Business Green, BBC Radio, Router.
  • 🌍 Working across 5 different time zones.